Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Heather
This is what I feel like. Because when you're pregnant, everything you identify yourself with changes. For example...
Heather sleeps through the night without a peep.
Pregnant Heather sleeps 2 hours. Pees. Sleeps 2 hours. Pees. Sleeps 2 hours. Pees.
Heather LOVES eggs. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, eggs benedict.
Pregnant Heather starts to gag when she sees eggs.
Heather thinks Hallmark cards are cute. Like the one with a picture of baby feet on it that says, "Imagine where they'll go."
Pregnant Heather bawls her eyes out when she sees cute Hallmark cards. Like the one with a picture of baby feet on it that says, "Imagine where they'll go."
Heather has strong cravings for chocolate sometimes.
Pregnant Heather has strong cravings for all sorts of things. Like apple slices soaked in Fresca.
Heather loves broccoli.
Pregnant Heather can't stand broccoli.
Heather thinks that black and white fuzzy ultra sound pictures are interesting to look at.
Pregnant Heather thinks ultra sound pictures are the friggin' most ADORABLE thing that every happened.
And yes, I really did crave the apples and Fresca. I satiated those cravigns too... Justin gave me the strangest look when he saw me eating apple slices out of a mug of Fresca.
But can you see why I feel like another person?
What do you have to say for yourself?