Incredibly to me, it's been exactly one week today since we all seven of us {as in our family of five, along with my parents} boarded a cheapskate Frontier flight from DEN to LAX.

I packed 5 days worth of shorts, shirts, and swimsuits for five people. We asked our dear neighbor to keep an eye on the chickens--and keep the eggs!--and drafted a loose itinerary that for me was a bit of a bucket list of a trip.

My children had never been on a plane ride and I wanted them to experience that excitement. {My mom worked for Continental Airlines when I was very small and we would fly stand-by for free to see relatives.} They've also never seen the beach, their new baby California Cousins {one on my side and one on Sander's}, and it wouldn't be a trip to California without stopping by Disneyland. Even though my children had no prior idea what Disneyland really was. A bucket list of things to check off, all in one fell swoop, indeed.

Oh, and there's Blucifer. The fierce-looking, Broncos-esque horse sculpture famous for its glowing red eyes but even more famous for killing its artist creator when the unfinished work fell on him. The kids needed to see that too, as it resides at the entrance to DIA--an airport already chock-full of a conspiracy-theorists-field-days-worth of creepy art. Most Denverites love Blucifer, but it does cause some controversy. {Meh, it's a Denver thing.} I do love a good

We made our way past the

I now have tons of tips on traveling like a penny-pinching bean-counter on Frontier flights with kids, so stay tuned for that post. Can I just be a braggadocio for a moment that we managed to fly our family of five at $58/ticket round-trip and only checked ONE bag for $25? Come on, those crazy coupon people get their own TV shows. Finding those tickets is the whole reason we were even able to go anywhere this year. Besides, we had to save our money for what was really important, you know?
Disneyland, obvs.

How'd they like the plane ride? Violet started feeling emotional and "scared" toward the end because of the person that she is. Eisley loved it. Pax sat quietly and still until about the last 15 minutes. No screaming, no embarrassments, it went swell!

Except for the people who recline their seats into your face the moment the plane takes off, we were happy fliers. Look, when you pay next-to-nothing for your tickets and work the system with checking one paid bag, you shouldn't have high expectations anyway. We didn't, and were better off for it.

Have you ever flown to California from Colorado? Or from anywhere east of there? The views, if the clouds aren't in the way, are stunning. Pretty sure we saw the Grand Canyon from 40,000 feet, flying over the Rockies while the aspens were turning...amazing. Beats flying east from Colorado for sure. {Oh look. More farmland. That square is greener than that square. Well, I'll be, there's a circular crop field. Now I've seen everything.} ( ͡~ ͜Ê– ͡°) What I'm trying to say is, if you ever get a chance to fly to California. Do. Roadtripping it is also amazing.

This post was all to say: get ready for the onslaught of vacation posts. Looking forward to documenting it all before I forget it, so we can relive it again and again.
2015 Bucket List for Kids:Cheers,
ride plane
meet cousins
see beach
Is it bad to have a bucket list for kids? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What do you have to say for yourself?