What are we doing?
We took possession on Saturday at noon, technically, but the seller wasn't quite moved out at that point. She had a darling friend cleaning the house top to bottom, and the moving process took, understandably, longer than the elderly seller had anticipated.
Yeah...we've painted, and I feel guilty about it. Even though it is our home now, I'm not sure the seller would like the changes. Even my dad has given me a hard time for messing with all those maple beams. What can I say? I am who I am, and I'm not a wood grain fan.
The girls ADORE "the yellow house" and have enjoyed running wild in the empty basement. "Can we go to the yellow house tomorrow?" they've asked, the last couple of nights.
Our parents have been our biggest blessings. My parents painted and got up on ladders, painting whatever I ordered them to {although I might have had to listen to my father apologizing to the maple while doing so}. Justin's parents have been tearing up baseboards, carpets, and helping us sand the floors.
Speaking of the sanders {as I often do, as my husband is a Sander}...our first rental choice provided us with two LAME sanders. After a few hours of thinking it was our new old 1950s electrical system, and missing precious hours of sanding time as we are set to move in next week and need these floors finished pronto, we finally realized it was not our house but the crappy sanders. Home Depot to the rescue! A brand new rental from Home Depot did the job, though we lost a lot of precious time.
As for me, Paxton protests anyone holding/touching/looking at him except me, oh AND he's constipated and we think maybe teething...which has made my painting ambitions a bit...tiresome.
We're sore.
But good things come to those who...wait, wrong saying. Insert optimistic phrase here. I'm too tired to think of one.
Cheers and stuff...
Yay to making your new home YOURS! So happy for you and your family! Can't wait to see the "After" pics!
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