The best thing about the Littleton History Museum
I've been meaning to share a few (haha, few) photos from our visit to the Littleton History Museum a couple weeks ago.
The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is that it's FREE. So we always find ourselves there on a whim, like last week when we just decided to drop by after visiting a nearby thrift store. Unfortunately for me, this means that I only had my cell phone to take photos with.
Sadly, yes, these are all cell phone pictures. {I need to be like Jan and get a camera bag purse so that I'm never without my Nikon.}
The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is how close you can get to all the animals. Look at deese bebe sheeps!

Eisley's at this cute stage where she likes to strike a pose for photos.

The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is these cuddling pigs. The girls have recently been into the movie Babe, so this was pretty exciting, as you can imagine.

Look at this guy couldn't even get up for a picture with us.

The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is that they keep bees in their apple orchard. This place is reeeal purty when summertime arrives.

The best part about the Littleton History Museum is that you can explore freely the two houses they have, as well as an old school house, an ice house, and several barns and sheds.

Doesn't this look straight out of a Laura Ingalls Wilder book?

Across the museum is a home modeled after a later date. This was an actual original home from those times in Littleton.

The best part is that you can walk right in...

...and pet their cat. They have cats all over this museum. And some peacocks. And a lake full of water fowl, with a gorgeous bridge and gazebo made of trees overlooking the shady lake. I didn't get any photos of all that though. BUT, I did get a photo of this cat!

I could live here. I've always wanted to hang my wall things this way.

Since I'm the
The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is that most days they have

I could live here, yes, but I'd remodel the kitchen for sure. The stove is fine, but that light fixture must go.
They have props everywhere, even a pantry full of items that an early 1900's pantry would have. {You know, like Sanka and Tang and snuff boxes.}

The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is the gorgeous wall paper in the kitchen!!! I want to cover my whole house with this.

The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is the real working blacksmith.
He was doing a demonstration on how metal has to get hot before it can be bent or formed. We sneaked in the back and acted like we were with this group of 5th grade boys.

And then I sneaked out of the blacksmith's shop and called one of those cats over. Crazy cat lady here! And the cats know it, she came right to me and we had a moment of purrs and cuddles...

...that is, until Violet discovered us and chased the cat into the nearby bushes. I had to call Justin to help get her out because--call me lazy if you must--I'm not into climbing into bushes when I'm 8 months pregnant. There are baby feet wedged in my lungs right now, see? {Look how the cat passive aggressively sits just beyond Violet's reach? I love cats for their quiet, snarky sass.}

Meanwhile, Eisley made herself comfortable right alongside the 5th grade boys and enjoyed the demonstration. She was really excited about blacksmithing. Too bad she wasn't born 100+ years ago, or I'd say she'd just found herself a calling.
The best thing about the Littleton History Museum is the giant trees that invite you to climb.

And finally, the best thing about the Littleton History Museum is their cute little gift shop, filled with all sorts of Colorado books for children and pioneer stuff. They also have an art exhibit and a historical exhibit inside the museum building as well.

If you find yourself in Littleton anytime soon, check out the Littleton History Museum! Because the best thing about it is, it's free. {And I'm only showing you about 50% of the entire place in this post.}
Learn about visiting the Littleton Museum of History right here.
Also, this week over at Lark & Lola:
What a fun place! Do your girls love the Laura Ingalls Wilder books too? We just finished Farmer Boy and what Almanzo as a ten year old does in one day is about what I do in a whole week. I'd never make it as a pioneer, but yes, I'd take that wallpaper too.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read them the LIW books yet, but you've reminded me that I should dig out my collection from the basement! I loved those books when I was young.
DeleteI would not make it as a pioneer either. Thank goodness our ancestors were built tough!
Oh my gosh! I wanna go there! That looks like a place our little family would enjoy immensely! Those little hugging piggies are adorable!
ReplyDeleteOh Amber, I could just see your family taking this place in! Is there any sort of similar museum in your parts? You should come visit Colorado sometime!
DeleteThe them, wanted to take them home. Haha! That would have been interesting...
What do you have to say for yourself?