Yesterday my dad (aka Papa) invited us to go Christmas shopping with him at Aspen Grove. Men just loooove holiday shopping and crowded mall...

Shopping & Santa

Sunday, December 14, 2014 , , , ,

Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Yesterday my dad (aka Papa) invited us to go Christmas shopping with him at Aspen Grove. Men just loooove holiday shopping and crowded malls, see? They can't get enough of it this time of year.

He even insisted on buying Pax this adorable newsboy cap at Gymboree.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
It was the first hat Pax has worn willingly and didn't try to take off. It is worth noting that the only other hat he wears makes him look like a cartoonish fox boy complete with ears and a has a strap so he can't take it off. I imagine that the seriousness of this newsboy cap gave him a feeling of freedom. Plus, he looked like his Papa.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
The truth is this: one of Papa's childhood chums was playing Santa at Cali & Mo {which just happens to be the shop I used to sell my handcrafted paper goods to!} and Santa's caroling friends were going to be there also.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
My kids loved watching these carolers. They were really good carolers too. They did more than just sing, they entertained.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Tis the season for puffy vests!
Grandma, Papa, & SantaGrandma, Papa, & SantaGrandma, Papa, & Santa
Cali & Mo is a delightful store. If you need a unique gift idea, check them out for sure.
Grandma, Papa, & SantaGrandma, Papa, & SantaGrandma, Papa, & Santa
Grandma & Papa bought Eisley a newsboy cap too, and she hasn't taken it off yet. Violet opted for a headband with a big ruffly bow. This, friends, is a perfect example of their personalities via the millinery.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
When it was time to see Santa, their true colors started showing.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Paxton was a champ and tolerated it for a few photos, but his face slowly became more pouty with each second. Papa pulled him away just in time before he lost it.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Eisley was all over this Santa business. They had serious wish list items to discuss.

Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Violet put one foot in the shop, spotted Santa, and proclaimed, "I DON'T WANT ANY PRESENTS!"
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Hopefully Eisley put in a good word for her sister, who refused to go anywhere near St. Nick. Even if she thought it meant no presents for her on Christmas.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
She did, however, accept a candy cane.
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
And we got this awesome picture. I didn't notice Eisley's pose until I got home and uploaded my photos. This kid cracks me up!!
This was WAY better than going to one of the big and busy malls and waiting in line to see Santa while some disgruntled elf took the kids' photo. Santa will be there on December 20th too, so if you'd like to see him and his friendly caroling friends, mark your calendar!
Grandma, Papa, & Santa
Oh, and free horse drawn carriage rides! Forgot to mention that.


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  1. Is a millinery where they make millennials?

    Eisley's pose is the greatest. So are their hat choices.

  2. That photo of Pax and your dad is absolutely priceless and frameworthy! I definitely see a family resemblance.

    Happy Holidays!



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