I've been telling Justin for a few years now that one of these Christmases, I was going to have myself a pink flocked tree! My dad was...

Finding our Flocked Tree

Thursday, December 04, 2014 , , , ,

I've been telling Justin for a few years now that one of these Christmases, I was going to have myself a pink flocked tree!

My dad was telling me the other day how grandma insisted on a flocked tree, one Christmas in nineteen-sixty-something. They brought it into the house, put it in the Christmas tree stand, and their Airedale promptly lifted his leg. Just like that they had a yellow flocked tree. I think that dogs must think this is our Christmas gift to them: indoor bathroom. Anyway, I just think it's cool that flocked trees were the thing, some fifty years ago, and they have recently come back into popularity.
Finding our Flocked Tree
Look, it's 2014, and I really wanted to cross a flocked {pink, preferably} tree off my list before the world ends. I think I've wanted one ever since Blueprint put one on the cover of their magazine. So, yesterday we piled into the Volvo and headed up I-25 to 58th, where Paulino Gardens is. Paulino Gardens is the most amazing garden center on his side of the Continental Divide. It has to be.

Even if you don't need a plant, go there just for the experience. Or for gifts.
Finding our Flocked Tree
We saw a few flocked trees were in the front, but most of them we were told were in a warehouse in the back. So we ventured through the tropical plants...

Finding our Flocked Tree
...through the forsest of shaped trees and citrus trees...
{yeah...they have lemon trees for sale...as if this is Arizona or something...it smelled wonderful}
Finding our Flocked Tree
...through the caves of cacti...
Finding our Flocked Tree
...through the troves of terrariums...
Finding our Flocked Tree
...through pastures of poinsettias...
{have you EVER seen so many poinsettias?!}
Finding our Flocked Tree
...and eventually we ended up back outside at the front, and were directed to walk through and behind the building again...look, this place it ginormous...we bought our wisteria here last summer. It's even more amazing during spring and summer.
Finding our Flocked Tree
I'm not done with the poinsettias. Look at the leaf covered planters these babies reside in! Beautiful.
Finding our Flocked Tree
Finally, there is was. Nondescript and unassuming. Warehouse #7. Dun dun dun!
Finding our Flocked Tree
Home of the flocked trees.
Finding our Flocked Tree
In every color. "We'll be flocking more tomorrow," they said. "So if you don't find the color or size you want, we can take an order."
Finding our Flocked Tree
I got poor little Violet's hopes up about the pink tree think. I thought that was what I wanted. Violet is a princess face girly-girl through and through. She amazes me. Tough, bruiser, spider-killer...but she is ALL about the makeup and princesses. I adore that strawberry hair...now if only it'd start growing.
Finding our Flocked Tree
Paxton kept walking up to the black flocked Christmas tree. It actually was sort of pretty because it was covered in sparkles and looked like a starry sky at midnight, but in this photo it just screams goth.
Finding our Flocked Tree
We wandered around warehouse #7 while discussing the pros and cons of both white and pink flocked trees, only to find another greenhouse filled with MORE POINSETTIAS in the back! Is the rest of the world missing its poinsettias? Paulino Gardens is hoarding them ALL.
Finding our Flocked Tree
Finally, we picked a white flocked tree. After seeing just how pink the pink flocked trees were, I decided all my equally colorful ornaments might look garish on a bright pink flocked tree. Some trees were more flocked than others, we decided we didn't care for the ones that were 100% covered in whatever the flock flocking is. We liked the ones where the natural tree could also show through some. A tree that looked like it had literally just endured a light dusting of snow.
Finding our Flocked Tree
I still think Paxton preferred the goth tree...
Finding our Flocked Tree
We actually had priced shopped a bit, and it turns out Paulino had not only the better selection--compared to nearby tree lots--but also better prices on flocked trees. I think it's because they do their own flocking. {I'm really trying here, people.} You can get really little ones starting at $30. I mean really little though. We definitely paid more than we usually would for a tree, but it was just one of those things I wanted to experience in life.
Finding our Flocked Tree
They tied it onto our car and we headed home to decorate it.
Finding our Flocked Tree
I can't wait to show you how our flocked tree looks with all my sickeningly sweet ornaments covering it. I'm so glad we got a flocked tree, it's absolutely beautiful all lit up and decked out.

To be continued...


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  1. Wow! Who knew that flocked trees came in such brilliant colors! But I would have chosen EXACTLY as you did--the white, lightly-flocked tree. Now *I* want one! Can't wait to see it in all its glory!

    1. You should get one, mom! Cross it off that bucket list! ;-)

  2. So I am totally putting "Flocked Tree" on my bucket list. Can you believe that this year I didn't get a real tree? I live in Oregon for gosh sakes and I DIDN'T GET A REAL TREE! Nope, this year we have 2 vintage aluminum trees. I have never, ever, not had a real tree. But it's super fun to mix things up and luckily, my family just goes along with whatever crazy holiday decorating ideas I may have. So next year, it may very well be a flocked tree. Sorry, Paxton. We will probably steer clear of the black one. And oh, by the way....STOP GROWING UP SO FAST!!

    Can't wait to see your beauty in all her glory!


    1. Erica,

      I've SEEN your trees and they are AMAZGORGEOUSTUNNING! You are a true vintage artist. We haven't had a real tree in a few years either. I'm the worrying mom...often concerned about it catching on fire. But this year...it's worth the risk!!


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